Rules & Regulations

  • Failed/detained/absentee students from any College/University Examination will not be admitted to the college in any case.
  • Such students whose result of the lower examination is notified as 'Result Later' by any Board or University will not be allowed admission to the higher class even provisionally.
  • Admission to different classes will be made on the basis of admission criteria given by Punjab Govt./Uni. Rules.
  • If a student makes a false declaration or conceals any information in the Admission, his/her admission to the College shall stand cancelled without any notice as soon as the false declaration or concealed information is detected. The case may be handed over to the police.
  • The Principal reserves the right to refuse admission to any candidate/student who was involved in strike/agitation or indulged in misconduct or indiscipline in the College/hostel in the preceding year/years or on the basis of interview or otherwise where the Principal is satisfied that the refusal is in the interest of the college.
  • In case of serious misbehavior, indiscipline, ragging or disturbance to the academic atmosphere of the College, absence from class/house test or indulgence in unfair means in any test/examination or possessing mobiles in the campus,the Principal has the rightto impose heavy fine or cancel admission and ban his/her entry into the college.
  • The carrying of mobile phones in the College is strictly prohibited. Strict disciplinary action will be taken against the violators.
  • Students coming to the College with two-wheelers should put college security stickers. Four wheelers are not allowed except with special permission from Principal.
  • Students are not allowed to put posters or liter in the campus.
  • Attendance of students in all College seminars, functions and celebrations is compulsory.
  • The students (girls/boys) are instructed to wear decent clothes in the college.
  • The lecture statements of the students falling short will be displayed on the College Notice Board. Any student falling short of lectures as prescribed by the University/Bar Council of India shall not be issued the roll number. Parents/Guardians of the students/wards are advised to contact the teacher-in-charge of the concerned class on 3rd Monday of August, September, October, November, February, March and April to know the status of the lectures attended by their wards and the performance in the class/house test.
  • 75% attendance of lectures is mandatory.
  • No visitors are allowed to meet students during the College hours.
  • Smoking and Drinking is strictly prohibited. Any body found drunk or smoking in the College Campus will be immediately expelled.
  • Dispute, if any will be subject to the jurisdiction of Amritsar Court only.

Note : The parents and the students are required to read the Prospectus carefully before signing the admission form. The responsibility of having read the rules and regulations shall be upon the parents and the students and they shall be bound by the same.